Strasbourg profile photo


  • Foundation 1906
  • Squad size: 31
  • Avg. age: 25
102.0MLast update: May 20, 2024
26177 cm76 kgFrance
21177 cm65 kgMorocco
30180 cm73 kgFrance
41185 cm82 kgJapan
34185 cm77 kgFrance
20179 cm67 kgFrance
19167 cm65 kgFrance
26170 cm70 kgFrance
29186 cm79 kgSenegal
19183 cm-France
23173 cm65 kgFrance
19168 cm58 kgMorocco
22179 cm75 kgFrance
23175 cm70 kgCôte d'Ivoire
20179 cm74 kgFrance
28182 cm78 kgSouth Africa
32188 cm75 kgBelgium
26178 cm74 kgFrance
29186 cm71 kgCôte d'Ivoire
23181 cm75 kgFrance
22188 cm75 kgMorocco
22185 cm75 kgGuinea
26180 cm72 kgPoland
19189 cm76 kgFrance
26187 cm77 kgFrance
28180 cm76 kgFrance
32180 cm72 kgFrance
23190 cm83 kgHaiti
37172 cm70 kgFrance
23165 cm55 kgMorocco
30178 cm70 kgFrance
30197 cm92 kgFrance
21184 cm80 kgFrance
36181 cm77 kgFrance
26170 cm62 kgFrance
20193 cm78 kgFrance
21180 cm70 kgFrance
22168 cm-Haiti
31181 cm75 kgBosnia and Herzegovina
27194 cm91 kgFrance
27193 cm90 kgMali
21194 cm70 kgFrance
21183 cm76 kgFrance
23175 cm70 kgJapan

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